

问:关于“塑料袋”的调查报告 急用
  1. 答:recently a new law was launched about use of plastic bags the law stipulate all the plastic bag should prohibited which was not meet the reqirement of the goverment the law was promulgated on 2007 6 1 many people showed great support they say this bags may cause damage to our environment and the manufacturer should produce higher quality bags which ply with the law but many people say it also cause inconvenience if we didnt use plastic bags how could we carry thing and it is almost for us to carry a basket go to work and buy thing after work all plait like a landmine bombarded the goverment so how should the government do to consolidate the laws and also to make these people satisfied the goverment should pay arduous effect to pacify the temblor and walk their way back to track/normal
  2. 答:其实我也在写,不过没写好,你很急吗?能等几天吗?
问:求《2017-2022 年中国改性塑料行业现状分析与发展前景研究报告》电子版
  1. 答:学毕槐或西点是个很好的选择,目前来说,西点的发展前景很好,西点自从明带进入人们的生活中以来,一直受到人们的喜爱,并且在后期的发展中非常迅速,可见西点在整个中国受到的欢迎程度是不可小觑的。而且在不断的改变着人们的饮食习惯,现在随着西点进入国内,越来越多的人选择面包、牛奶作为早餐。这些只是西点在国内发展的冰山一角,手伍它还不断的改变着国内人们的聚餐方式等很多方面。所以西点师的需求也随之快速增加,成为一名合格的西点师后也就不怕找不到好工作,并且随着技术的提升发展也是会很快提升的。
  1. 答:*** you!Show what key!He got high。
  2. 答:塑料袋的危害:污染空气
